School of Marxism: Ideological politics, language, red culture education, mental health education and physical education
2.中餐学院:中式烹调、中式面点、公共营养保健 (烹饪与营养教育)
School of Chinese Cuisine: Chinese Cooking, Chinese pastries, Public Nutrition and Health (Culinary and Nutrition Education)
3.西餐学院:西式烹调、西点烘焙、咖啡、调酒、 糖艺
College of Western Cuisine: Western cooking, roasting, coffee, bartending, sugar art
4.中德智能制造系:智能制造、智能控制、电气工程、机 械维修、工业互联网与大数据应用
Department of Intelligent Manufacturing in China and Germany: Intelligent manufacturing, intelligent control, electrical engineering, mechanical maintenance, Industrial Internet and big data applications
Modern Business Department: Internet of Things application technology, E-commerce, Accounting, Dental denture Manufacturing, Computer network applications, Business Japanese
6.文化与创意系:多媒体制作、室内设计、形象设计、 商务文秘、计算机程序与设计
Department of Culture and Creativity: Multimedia Production, Interior Design, Image Design,
Business Secretary, computer programming and design
7.旅游与服务系:酒店服务管理、幼儿教育、交通客运 服务、健康服务与管理
Department of Tourism and Service: Hotel service management, early childhood education, transportation and passenger service, health service and management